gradient of temperature中文什么意思

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  1. In the summer stratified water column , the deeper the maximum depth of food distribution is , the stronger the dvm is performed ; the increase of the gradient of temperature in the thermocline layer can decrease the magnitude of the dvm and form the thermal barricade to the copepod ; the effects of the predation pressure on dvm is complex . on the one hand , the variations in the distribution depth of the predation pressure vs . the thermocline layer or the depth of the maximum food can modify the dvm patterns of the copepod . on the other hand , different predation pressure induces different dvm patterns
  2. In the area of seasonal frozen region , the road takes place the cycle of freezing and thawing variety with the season , the mainly disease harm generating from this is the frost heave and frost boiling etc . . . the disease harm belongs to the heat transfer problem , but the effective measure to prevent and cure the frost boiling has something to do with the gradient of temperature and humidity


  1. gradient of scalar field 什么意思
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  7. gradient of texture density 什么意思
  8. gradient of the head 什么意思
  9. gradient of velocity 什么意思
  10. gradient of water table 什么意思



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